Change ourselves

Be the Creator of the life You find worth getting up for every morning! 😊

The story

The Compassionate Gardener was created during a horticulture course in Ireland back in 2015.

The idea for the name “The Compassionate Gardener” emerged during an intensive growing time in the caring and gardening field. It was a time of minding the life of our most vulnerable beings (children, people with disabilities, the elderly, animals and plants).

Everyone needs a safe space to create and retreat to, simply to feel joyful with what is to be able to cultivate an inner meditative balance of peace.

I am DD, a compassionate gardening free-lance writer, life purpose coach, Reiki master, and horticultural therapist. I derive joy from inspiring people to embody the changes they wish to experience within themselves.

Additionally, I am neurodivergent, an empath, and an HSP, seeking balance in my life’s journey.

Thanks to the wonderful support of idotj, Kashmir Birk (Co-Founder at The True North) and Cyrille Gilbert, the vision of “The Compassionate Gardener” could be realized and is about to blossom from just a dream into a reality.

The first steps for an online community were once laid in Facebook, where they left inspiring feedback. The page had more than 1.000 members until it was time to leave and spread the wings to focus on what truly matters in the here and Now.

Planting the seeds of compassion, joy and mercy through any form of Art wherever, whoever is in need of Self-growth.

Where there is love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong.

Ella Fitzgerald

My first book “Being Eclipsed – Women under ‘Care’ of the Patriarchy” is finally published and available in English and German. And the Audio-book, narrated by Céire O’Donoghue, is out at the end of this June 2024.

I write poetry and essays as a journey into understanding what and who shaped me into the person I am today. These pieces pave the path to my next book: a memoir.

Let’s see what comes next. As long as I keep enjoying my musings about what life is all about. Shall we?

In the meantime, if you would like to connect and exchange any comments, please do not hesitate, and contact me.

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