A true friend

True friends are always together in Spirit.

L.M. Montgomery
Podcast version

Friendship is often defined as a relationship of mutual affection between people.

However, to be a true friend, not only will You need love and respect for You first, but You will also have developed a deep knowing about who You are in order to understand how to treat another…You.

With compassion, kindness, respect, trust, understanding, solidarity…

How else can You – or anybody – lead by example? It needs to resonate – be reflected back!

You will need to know what life takes to cultivate a balanced friendship.

Faith, patience, time…

Please remember we were all strangers when we first met!

That strangeness tends to ease over time when we trust & respect our own heart to know our own selves better.

Now that realization needs obviously time to accept for emotional maturity to emerge!

A compassionate heart recognizes the other, and accepts them for who they are and just as they come!

A true friend in need is a friend indeed!

A true friend to Self knows How to take care of themselves in order to be a present to another… You.

A true friend leads by example to make the right and healthy decisions.

To be safe and sound for Self and others, even with respectful distance.

Not only is a true friendship based on mutual affection & love, but it is also a balanced and safe space to be with.

A gift for You to Be You!

When we have presence, we do not need presents!

😊 💓


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