“To love is to recognize yourself in another. ” Eckhart Tolle
Nothing is worse in life than a person who runs around in circles.
Blindly searching, unable to recognize.
To see and feel that everything in life starts and ends with a little Trust and Respect for the One in the mirror – You!
There is no other, only You – in need of compassion.
Words like “should…or must – mustn’t …” have always triggered my own inner dragon.
Knowing deeply that what matters most in life, in love is that the world ~ the universe ~ life ~ joy ~ just as it is ~ is beautiful.
And so Are You!
Believe and breathe!
Breathe deeply, and know that all You need is to feel that love – joy burning from within.
To be able to recognize yourself in the other.
None of us is fallible!
We will all have made our share of mistakes at some stage in life.
Therefore, it is best to allow anyone to be – to experience life for what it is – just as it is: beautiful.
Ups and downs are needed to allow us to grow, and learn to see from and with the heart.
Just as it is, now that is Bliss!
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