“Only a life lived in the service of others is worth living.”
Albert Einstein

The Compassionate Gardener has dedicated its heart to the service of others.
How wonderful it is to wake up every morning with a purpose in life!
Having a deep Knowing this is it!
This is…Who You are…this is What You do!
With an intention to bring out the true Nature of Humanity… the Balance, the Peace… we all so need!
People who were once strangers become friends with one another!

You will be friends to Yourself…in order to Be a friend…and so of service to Others!
For that…You Need to Know Yourself enough to know…where Your own limits ~ boundaries.
You Need to know that You are enough for You…and when enough is enough for You in order to be of service to Self…You, and so other…Me!
There is a fine ~ a very fine line ~ where You can loose, but also find your Self again…in order to give… from your Goodness ~ your heart!
You are balanced…at Peace with You…when You have finally found your own happy chappy Center!

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